
27 Nov 2021

So, i saw...

 Basically off you bugger anyone else, I only invited two people to look at this. Even if it is universal and one day may even be quite good. I have studies photography. I even once sat in the kitchen of E Chambre... (who wasn't so good i shall get his accents i have no time, for now)  One saw... one 'stat'  - well you cannot really trust any 'analytics' but the day after there is one person looking in from a smallish little country - could be  a Missclick... but then, now '3' ..

So what and so be it.    And anyway so what ... the Bertrand day long gone.. Even if i remember every word. I only recall the words of those i truly value.

But there's the rub, why value?  There is a corollary, at last I really do know for sure, something, and it may not be flattering to state "well you ain't one of them". In the background - well my floor in fact though it is not worthy of a snap, has been the very last month of finishing off the 'public' persona... and also some magnificent psychological reality for the sake of a few 'cherished'....and they know. They know I am good.... and personify what it means to be pretty good at having a quiet mind no matter what....

No matter what....

But that every single one - even Baby Fig, cannot ever ever even slightly do what they say, or more important be what they very much  implied they were - in respect of the most important roles there are for any animal especially humankind...

frankly, wonderful.... it only conforms why, i knew.... straight away. Where i need to be and where i need not to be ever again. I do not like to boast but there is no person who let go more and did more in the 'community' as of May 2020....  and it is as if i never even existed. Even when i for once ask for one small favour back ....How lovely! This is freedom never mind the most wonderful intellectual insight into whom they always were behind their masks....

 And it means no matter what next, it never mattered any of it...

Indeed speaking (so wisely) of 'failure. Is something - a whole range of things, could never have been because of reality, of others, then it is not even 'failure' ... shame i rather liked that hat. Was a good speaker on it = only inspired by one who shared her failure and also the fact that deep down she did live the fact they are all just part of life...never ever take them to heart. Ever... of course we can write self help nonsense books showing off about 'learning' from them but they never go away and al that talk anyway is largely snake oil for sale.  Survive a succession of them, marbles lined up in a row... and get past 50 or maybe 55... all quite simply are great joke material...or even poetical verse, or in my case thousands of...

And then you end up like Jep... even if he was a tad unresolved about his long gone past....but he could smile Most of The Time....

I can all the time...

if i didn't send out rather a lot of last messages and never even get a "hi, not for me thanks right now... good luck farewell..." on stuff that really DOES matter...or did. 

and the happy man like me, would not actually change one second of any of it... ever. 

But do i tell her..?  that truth.... . the only one who's life i still have in my hands no matter what she thinks....