
13 Jan 2022

Not errata on her [nix].

 .... and after all that - a year or more of the framer woman, i was not errata on her either....

Even if the former has left my ticks not blue any more...

I mean quite seriously especially as i have my true king on tap. 

"matey two brown men waffling on about your skint one [not copyright me as it was a typo but looks rather good and typos are allowed when you are typing outside at minus three]  and they have their knickers in a  twist on the 'p' 'w' and 'n' words i am lost....ONLY you can sort this now... you have a responsibility to humanity to stand up and be counted as the next Boris,  we know after OUR last eighteen months...our brutal joust to the death...I told The Sprout of but she probably didnt read....flippin wimmin and digitals they think all is an attack.... I mean Lettie yestereve ....she knew the truth, the one and only divine truth.... a man, who picks up on a streetcorner in a dark town in the middle of nowhere...and she is over sixty....  she gets picked up only for one reason, ever, and that is.... just like me and you fatso .....

" pure....  total... every 'moment' in time, always.... 

" never perverted with cant vanity and your big fat builders belly,.....

" and bad ferkin taste in music with your Negresses.....  fruckin Guardian approved load of crap.....

" no spirit. cos only Lettie had the spirit to want to talk on, we wandered up the dank and freaked little high st....  of dull shufflers....

" I mean picture it, all the rest hunched over their misery and existential angst... Letters and I ' luv.... you feel ten years younger there, too and they dont give a fuck about the metoos...  cos the wimmin are in charge and they wander around at way before dawn with backpacks on their shoulders the size of Minis...and they are still laughing.....  

" and.... [ i forget am i still texting my enemy here, doesn't matter because every word is true and we have copies of every word]... 

"man...  you get back to her Pastie pussy...  because i met at last my match, and then... hung around on his streetcorner with his big one....

" i saw the most ridiculously poignant image imaginable...' man i can see four of them... her moons..' ... remember i told you about that horrid little Woodstock of the mindful tourist town theme park....where they stole even their most famous girl's telescope...i had bought her with my last penny, or  ten thousand a decade and a half back.... well ok most technology moves on right up your brown arse, but..... man... he got it for eighty quid off ebay.... 

"man i just saw why.... i tolerated you for these last eighteen months of purest love imaginable.... out fight to the utter death of

"all cant and vanity and fake humility..

"and faker pity....

" and.... it is time now, you and me man.... we need to run away ...up's so unimaginably fuckin beautiful .....

" but there is one problem...."