
13 Jan 2022

Errata, on everything....

 How to be too busy to actually get up the most poignant imaginable photos from a few months ago.

; as i diligently did the work:

"I really did yer on herrrrr...


" but yer on..... if i had the whole of his lifetime, and admittedly rather moaning skills, i could not get it - i mean all of it, into fifty albums plus all the outtakes, and other bits... at 199 bucks a set.... 

" i mean Letty yestereve, ' luv....i hear you can think for yerself..... i spied your genuine article the fifty p charity shop coat, when all the rest pay five hundred for one that looks like it came from a charity shop,  my dear lady, this is zen and living in the moment they'll fleece you at fifty quid an hour to try and ..... luv my best machine somehow despite my ultra zen seemed to self destruct yeteraft....but you know what i havent had even one negative moment ....

But lasternight, hangin around on the streetcorner...

having as usual gotten diverted, I mean to see THAT - fuck me up it with the whole of the silent Tory front bench....

shakin their heads or pretending to care....

I mean paradise on the news at one, but....

Lettie, yes all very well, but then that......

Which of course will loop me back to the most poignant of image of all, because the so called nice place where they'll charge you seventy five quid for an hour of mindfulness, based on their image as the most beautiful wimmin who ever crawled across cut glass to pick up the pieces and  resell them on their overpriced marketplace stalls....

But he got it: " hey...we were above all this..... mere humanity....all went silly anyway..... but....i have never seen anything quite so utterly gobsmackin as that and i do not do hyperbole...."