
24 Nov 2021

 So yes what were they - notions, well just making it clear that even if Mrs Baby Figs  texts me complaining i make a joke about standard illnesses that have been around for ...ever.... get over it, get up every day a New Day... 

And i am sad i have lost her - she was my great hope for genuine solidarity.... nope it is as if they need a reason... from the first moment walking her and i my glorious hills  - all sweaty, her walking boots breaking open at the end to reveal her painted toenails...was she looking for a reason...?

BUt then photos NOT taken mean far more than anything taken. I shall always remember that scene her sweet little neon toenails peeking out ... and her enjoyment of the baby figs i had a week earlier being awalys organised specifically crossed the county and  gone to get  for  her, from...her.... 

(there must always be duel purpose - oops thats from my actual blog started early summer 2020 about paradise.. and what it is...every day as he said the great so called scholar of The Sublime, Oxford fellow..." it recreates itself every day that's all my seventy years of bullshit scholarliness can reveal..."...anyway stating 'paradise' i am sure is also some assumed weapon  - like as if one wishes to duel at dawn for their lofty honour.... at least The Romanian didn't get huffy at that comment on her least partly real woman...) 

So... number one was the statement " i adore getting up at 5am every day of the year...every day a new day... at my  best at that time... and added paradise of it is that all the lost chubby unhealthy sheep are asleep dreaming of what rubbish the consumed last night in their dinner or on their screens...  " which appears to be the greatest repellent of the pandemic of immigrant  pretend people ever  - "Waitrose bags"  just consuming the myth that they will actually belong to the 'community' not in the city they left or the facebook which is their only 'home' shame it'sactually not of this earth....

Which then leads us to number two... or the number twos that float down the river outside their perfect little country cottage...    the fatal plague of, assuming.... which the one great partially get-her-hands-dirty-in-the-earth fine young woman so enjoyed duelling me with her "assuming makes and ass out of you and me.." .. [ass u  me]  genius young woman...

Shame they killed her. The yank of course. I have many pictures of her over the years - that so so so worthy self righteous so 'community' focused... running around with those little 'kits' .. of late..

And yet she put the one great mind i knew, on her...pills... to 'help' what we had 'managed' for some years without her fuckin help...

Funny old world, within two months of being on her 'medicine' fine young woman is in whorespittle seeing little green men...

But that is not my life. I  have mine own. Which no matter what - the very worst of all indignities - absolutely nothing to do with 'me'  - well one is inside that tree i began with...and The Sublime maybe is accepting all... and seeing some beauty in absolutely everything.  Maybe... i cant fuckin mind read... 

But my images - if people DID know the stories behind them which i am going to genuinely enjoy  - and if i write that i actually mean it as i have gone through the full process - years pondering "nahh i will never it does not give me good energy anyway computer screens and keyboards for more than any hour or so at dawn  make you so negative and unhappy which is the ONLY reason every silly guru like Peterson, Smith and that awful one  who owns Rebel wisdom never mind Douglas Murray the lot of them  especially my once friends if they are on screens for even part of the evening you never sleep well and are in a bad mood as the science showed twenty years ago Susan Greenfield a fine fellow..of Oxford so yes 'in these worrying times' their reprise every other sentence especially if you are a BBC radio journalist. i think has rather a lot to do with the fact that they are not very well .... before they turn on their silly 'device' as they spent too much time on their device the evening before and ... are not very well... a priori...

Anyway imagery... yes years wondering, now for sure it is so so enjoyable sharing ... or i should say just  ... placing, them here  - it feels right... enhances my always superb energy. At last.

And is the visual representation of that fine old word 

kairos signifies a proper or opportune time for action.

typical awful Yank  definition  implying there is a powerpoint spreadsheet mapping out some marketing advantage in anything, which is completely and utterly unknowable, which is what kairos was and is...

 just a .... one couldnt perceive anything positive about it before... i avoid the word 'feel' which was stolen by a whole brigade of idiots. And then something changes  - one routine 'life event'  - which may be  a TRULY BAD NEGATIVE THING in anyone else's myopic eyes, and ones balance shifts such that it at last does be inside a good positive enjoyable energy

Bully for me...

no more opinions, especially as i have not met anyone who can read properly for years it seems, facts and images only