
25 Nov 2021

The tyranny of ... her and her body.

 My new best friend spring this year... this second best year in history. Now that sounds 'glib' doesn't it....

But she was not glib once I broke through - by noticing... noticing that her obsession with her dicky shoulder, mattered to her so much; so if that is the 'way in' well, go in that way...

I wonder.... 

So, not jokingly, or really rather philosophically one laments only one thing, that the so called brexit 'debate' failed to be universally humanist, as f one cares about any human for god's sake inform them - be free to inform them, of the facts. Do not get in a small boat or lorry and cross La Manche... 

And just yesterday at last it is made as clear as day i also have narcissistic personality disorder, as every single Facebook user never mind ex lover or ex baby cocreator in the YUK seems to think nowadays absolutely everyone else has,  thinking she would remain my neutrally valued and adored friend, and her even more, so valued children. Of course i intended a little 'coercion' - for their damn benefit! Adoption. There is simply no better animal to nurture a child into  a truly healthy balance  - human, and no human... respect their moods emotions and 'emotional wellbeing' and continual curiosity no matter what. And the fact they bounce, and you have to get it very wrong for them to bite...    

But one smallest little bit of actual science and mum bites yer arse as if you had floated kidocide...

And will doubtless be plotting some assassination via some silly online platform. Or joining in one already there assuming it is. Voltaire updated, would never look, nor ever have the free time to bother....

Especially in the two most lovely years in history. 

Anyway what a load of gobbledygook. Apparently. And i want nothing, so i do not need to join dots and essay upon the themes that link everything. Indeed need nothing because a complete Houellebecqian atomisation as one knows exists even in pleasant hidden away rural lands - even when you see yestereve  - my version nightfall, your most cherished real best friend and she does not even recall one small ask... having devoted all last winter without being asked to someone close to her .. 

There never was any hope of a more centred soulful existence even here. And any thought otherwise is the same foolish antihuman message of 'hope' the anti-communitarian modern iterations of 'Christianity' who invaded my lands - lets keep to the simple word, region, I only think of regions of roughly 25 mile radius circles.

The region has  legions of charismatic or  a bit charismatic godsquad - they infected so many middle class well off....  and of a few 'studies' i have conducted the last decade, mostly via the image but not only - the other versions are rather interesting; i can prove for an absolute fact because i am not in the business of 'othering' anyone, but i know when the other lot who believe THEIR soul must be saved, individually, well one could speak many fables, but the best is the night marooned in a  village godsquad hall after late snows not predicted, but i could have predicted that the 'pastor' next door would not even think to offer a rug.  Too busy I'm sure researching property purchase opportunities in the region for his American overlords....  so they can become Mammon even more... a word that the 'elder' of the ,ore local very very fast breeding denomination as we became good friends, did not even know of...

Despite every other word he refers into hos smartphone so as to find some biblical relationship...

That destroyed all ordinary human simple mutual communitarian relationships. Because i know, they never the 'community' but go on the BBC saying they do...

Because I have  a gorgeous study and the camera isn't lying at least some of the time. If you know how to create an image that is beyond question.

Which brings me back to, yes, the question. 

Having had it once more confirmed - seek assylum, exile, no British ally can ever even understand the actual meaning of the word, and The Canadian educated at Goldsmiths... well she doesn't seem to undertsand that it being floated "i have a truly poignant and likely life changing question, someone else's life. I don't care for mine any more i found the meaning of it if it can be found... but one smallest outstanding quandary... which is the wrong word for something that is almost as flip of the coin..  being as you take money to 'heal' via psychology, and have grown daughters, and are also one of the very few who seems to have retained some balance and intelligent scepticism some months... i will apply tust and select you as someone whom i shall ask.... this question that has been on my generally very very cleared writing desk, over a year...  can your [silly - even Canadian truthtellers cannot deal with that truth as the narcissism of course never allows Sardonese or a joke] messaging and and Whatsup allow you to THINK... and learn, that me lady is a truly great compliment..."