
23 Nov 2021


 The below, is just a sort of sketch. Of a simply glorious reality. 

And anything i 'write' unfortunately cannot be experienced  - i mean that quiet pondering "what planet is he on.." without the context. Perhaps the greatest Thomas Hardy book is the more humble and less psychodramatic Woodlanders...

I live with them. And yesterday afternoon we went to the most wonderful level of rural truth.... rural men sot of ... well being above it ALL....

But then of the dawn when even they are all snoring and lost, there is a 'soundtrack'. Even if i sit waffling in silence as now, in my head there are a range of the evocative masterpieces. And when i see in 'stas' a 'reader' from one small country. Always....always i can only smile and think of Annik..

was she sat there planning to steal him from his homsepun Norther England wifey.... out front... 

errata it is impossible not to dance when it is on very loud.... very very very loud....

And show him... live within him ...European modern freer thought.... The De Beauvoir, The Thomas Berhard.. the HergĂ©  even 

But it is the version just up the road in Amsterdam....  Did Annik know just how she had ...made the right choice...

Sorry even if it is surely the BREXIT and other loons who didn't understand the project... never ever again... ever.... tolerate ...cross border screw... cross 'border wander and sell perfume or whatever because the sprit of do not ever take yourself too seriously ever again such that  his poor little lost  wife addicted to pork pies  back home complain at olive oil could in the future vote to...go....

She....should have chosen....


SAVE,,,him and do it propper... dont let him go back home to the land of portk pies....she should have abducted him and taken him to Stockholm and sinned her way to paradise with him...

because she could have given us the greatest artist Europe has ever known if,....

she didnt hesitate....  

whenever i even think of the word Belgium i  think of at 17 minutes and 50 seconds in... 

There is one moment which would be better than being photographed with every lost  dodgy failed queen in history....

And i can rest in peace as the only one whom ever answered that Bertrand Question the right way....

well... "Trasmission" ... useless.... 

your whole 'priject' stated to all the jujobs of the ranty maybe or maybe not  yesterday..

"stop thinking and certainly if you ever send me another Neil Oliver GB news clip i shall sue you for emotional abuse and being part OF the problem.... because he is so awful at oraory  just using you for clicbait money he cannot  say ... 'if you care... write to your MP and ask them to write to their contemoraries in Europe that the Euroean Convention on Human Rights is way way way above your absurd little heads and will be applied sooner or later as as MEPS have already stated in public it is being overriden....and the official statement of the WHO is no one should be coeverced and they will be called as witnesses at some future ECHR case and no its not fuckin brexit ECHR is supra even fuckin EU even Russia are signarory to the TREATY that is law ABOVE silly cuntries...and you sill cunt for spreading more self pitying Neil Oliver  when he cannot tell tem in one simple line what the duty of any sane citizzen is ...and sue your MO if s/he fails innthat simple democratic duty do do as you righfully ask....simple..... "

but they even my many so called inteligent friends cannot lusten and they pine for more Neil....

the definition of how to be ...used...

The definition of save him from the silliest lost land in the land..

But was she sat there out front being Belgian, and not quite sticking up for what she knew was the right thig to do....all the way... Bertrand did...



like everything in modern life, the modern curated remastered redisgned version is pathetic crap froma neurotic lost new generation younger person with no great attachments within to get them to pipe down.... and only the UNremastered original raw...smell of paradise

at 17 minutes and 45 seconds ish in i always imagine her .... Ian... "together.... we could be more than the sum of both are doodgy parts ..and pasts.... who cares who yer fuckin at home.... spirit... there is only one answer t'itall.....  and there is only one question, the miserable way or ...the other... merhge across channels of Channel... none of anything matters....only your spirit.....very very very loud, quietly just for me in my ear...."

And in short Mister Quinn (metaphor for i give up..) .... would get, it is impossible i even survived between then..... that eight hour best talk with anyone ever possible in history...and now....  

and i have no idea why i did... only sick religious fundamentalists ever know any 'why'...

I mean big metaphysical 'why' why....