
28 Nov 2021

Aww bless 'im.....

 And as I am not ready to share the most beautiful beauty in a smile, a real one, i don't even have to crop his smiley head off. 

June in the second most glorious year, of ever.... i mean this one. Despite her yesterday, who would not understand with her "cae de geg" that fait accompli is the cure to absolutely everything. Especially as to her 'kind' it is a 'nasty foreigner phrase...

And so it is so gorgeously poignant - poignant usage in the land that used to be able to understand "irony" my friend...

Has a scent of childhood paradise mixed in with the gales and frosts of middle age, but is not ever a bad thing...ask me it is the cure to all - almost...

There is no race, only a race "my beloved half breed brother i need to be as brown as you.... and you have  ahead start on me, bastard... anyway as i love you so i will drag you outdoors and chain you to the ruins.... because you need MORE than me due your innate disadvantage....   cos its been known in these awful latidudes centuries, get your kit off outdoors...keeps all bugs at bay.."

 should really be "entitled, ironic post modern fraud...".

Especially as he spends all day on his device, trying to undermine his non genetic brother, moi... with every so called slur especially on anything 'diversity' and difference, but not only cannot undermine, only enhance the pure love (that kind the Greeks had for no willies)  never mind the quality of querulous rejoinder: "reason we have no free speech  you fat half breed is thet the great ones like you, with Les Grandes Belazzas heads and minds....and SPIRITS ..are now on their ferkin phone all day ....doing nothing...i do stuff matey - never mind genuinely suffered,  and still am,  for your right to insult even my ....ferrits...or heritage... but guess what Pastie poker [ref a certain kind of wife] ... i would not have my life one second different or changed....put that in your Bob the Builder boots and get high.. oh yes here's the mayor.... tell him the story of you, the Henry Hoover, and the CIA red spotting you....  it makes me ill and breathless its so absurdly funny... "