I mean how can so much happen already in the middle of nowhere....
A non-life
In the so called 'new' year... neigh from the eve, of.
In nowhere in fact worse than nowhere only surrounded by a few fascists, lite...
Spesh her yesteraft
Perhaps it was the smile I had planned for her.
But i clean forgot that 'post' that bubbled up yesteraft as the light was going...
oh yes it's come back now.
(Too Late the real hymn, on...)
But it has 'gone' now....
The original raw visceral version.
Plus my finger is cracked.
Imagine a lunatic wandering around the pathways of a very large churchyard....all those dead peeps in the ground...
smiling to himself with his fairly cheap Sony raggedy headset on...
Raggedy from use (the Bang and Olufsen turning out to be yet another hyped fraud)
Road testing the songs...
This is an image though.
Though not of the 'poignant' series.
Because too much that has nothing whatsoever to do with the saddest imagery it is possible ever in history to present
(that the farmer knows of...my glorious covid friend.. and she is married to 'Godzilla' and thus can be even saucier than. I... back... in fact she fuckin started it hahh hahhh...)
Anyway the image is coming.
"Abuse" me.... she bloody well did since about May 2020...
(you now have to actually have the song on LOUD ...in fairly good quality head...fones..)
Because she knows - there is a rhythm....
So there i am....
Washing my muddy Crocs....
(image comming up)
" hmm thoughtbubble,
" number one snotty bitch [ many times on radio 4 with her bad gardening books..]
" i mean twenty years ago she was mine and lass's friend.... and admirer....
" how a little sniffle can come along and give a woman of a certain age a neon jacket and flip how THE GREAT book can come true, Florenca's They Would Never Hurt....
" abuse is an understatement for the dagger looks she gave me all last year me suggesting to folk in the Spar queue it was a good opportunity to learn new jokes and make new friends...just be new....
" I mean just this aft i was saying to him, the rather sad live in vehicle man with his gorgeous new buy he should be so happy about its LURRVVLEEE , ' god you weren't here spring of the glorious year of the slowdown and stare...at all the gorgeous wimmin in the queues........ if a certain woman H****** A***** (as Hardy would write) heard me even now saying the facts to you she would call the feds and try for immediate arrest as i smiled at her last year... and of course she knows we were RIGHT.....to have smiled and lived on... and a woman of a certain age hates nothing more than a chap to be ...right... ' hahh fuckem but really the way i saw her turn on a dime from once a bit ok to a raving Auschwitz warden.... ' .....
" but here we were,.....
"middle o nowhere she pulls up and she sees...
"me too...
"and she knows i shall not react, not even acknowledge her ... fear of arrest or .... playing her game....
" ....and..
"no ...what a tart i mean....
" all that effort she put into last year never meeting my gaze and...
" ... that expensive new do she has bet thats a bitch too ....
"not that i ever use the b word as its not nice..
" but cmon
"whats she on...?
In fact go back a few hours (in my sick mind tm The roches )
"because i know that she is the personification, of monetisation, of the above
"discombobulation, from reality, as she's a vicious abusing of me, you hardnosed b...
"so be it.... she is entitled to be what she wishes even if she hates me alone for seeing through her....image...
" but...
" ... her and i alone, miles from anywhere separated by only 5 metres of hardcore and she knows her new image last year, the expensive sit up and beg bicycle, and fancy new hairdo pretending to be au naturelle, when ....
" she now deserves me bothering to passively stalk her and place myself here with some nice tunes on awaiting her return from her walk to keep it has to be said in rather good nick for her rather ageing age....
" because that...
"what a saucy thing she is... i rather like her very humble #car too
" hmmm...
fast forward half an hour to the tap by the many dead people rotting...
[ultrathoughtbubble "i bet she is watching me from the thicket...why not that's what weirdo rural lonely folk do, always have done, and always will... this should impress her anyway bout time i get this mud off a month been too busy with bizxarrely new stuff to bother.... bet she will notice the way i scrub them with such organised poise and grace....me not on drugs like the rest of em and quite rightly women should fear them..... ]
fast forward a few seconds, that slight upper turn of the body and something comes up from the rear, the unexpected quarter...
" ugghhhh .... ehhhhhhh... bleedin eck you shocked me i really thought it was a ghost... you emerging from the region of the tombs....like that
she smiles.... and maches on, my way...
" looking so utterly an image of a absurdly most beautiful angelic ghost....you and you gorgeous mutt.... the light behind you.... i really am in shock.. truly poignant image you made coming up on me like that....He**na..."
" i thought you were one too..[ even bigger smile]"
So what... though i bet she considered coming back as she drove off smiling again.... I proudly made sure i didn't see.
But there is no such thing.
All moments from all of time live on as they should in these times of diversity politics; ALL moments are equal, and even long past ones are entitled to their right to be equally valued in the now, present.
Road testing for one last time, marching up and down the pathway just half an hour earlier the most absurdly radiant image had crept up behind, and dont she ferkin know it....
she had the choice to take a diferent pathway.
In other words a 22 months of hate crime, from her... my way cos someone paid to be nice to folk who is such a top class radio 4 approved snotty bitch when she is so inhuman despite me being the only person always smiling always....
just a ..
But someone wrote a song about her, once....
And she is entitled to know she is the last line...
So superb a last line ever and so be it ....her choice...
A magnificent loud noisy end to ...
The most poignantly fuckin ultra sublime happy period a man could ever have that started about two years ago...
marching as the light is falling the middle of nowhere just me and the old jalopy...
headphones on...
" i always knew that as well as the superb wrdification as good as The Noble Bard.... sorry Mister Hooky....
" simplicity.....
" 'abuse me!' as the snotty bee did all last year the year of [her] fear.....
" hahhh hahhh she met me here at the gate... unlocked...
" i now..... she knows..... she knew.... despite HERRR.. becoming herr fuerer fuckin bossocracy personified...
" corner of my eye i would sill notice...' looks good in that new Barbour... her crappy Madame Bovary lite books buy for her...'...
" silly cow i mean....who does she think she is... but she looks quite tasty these days....
and at a gate, at dusk, no hesitation...
"But it was as i bet she even planned, these bbc babes sure now how to make an entrance, the image...
"And how 22 months of hate crime can dissolve into, a radiant smile as soon as bitch number 1, hears the word....
" ... louder.... paradise is... here and now.... i won..... and she did too because she knows her real job was to be....
" and it will always be our secret now...
" the personification of i do think the greatest of all songs much road tested these last few years...
the bubbling song, freshened up a tad and given to us free on 21 July in the most paradise year in history, reprised..:
except google blogger blog link builder is so so bad they cannot even give you the result at 'my end' so that i can put up the thing on youtube owned by them.... there is no hope...
there is only what works, and what does not..... and i know someone who knows exactly what works...worked.... and what her work is.... in the last line of. And how she likes to be actually appreciated for the work she actually likes
Her song now... mine enemy... so image consciously owning that last line the great lines get louder..... at the end.
There are none of course... no ends no ... nothing