
22 Nov 2021

There is however..

 Somethin that is the most poignant 'act' in response

So .... four years ago someone noticed something. A small piece of plastic.

And i was so shocked (in awe) i broke the habit of a lifetime and didn't listen to my favourite poem, someone noticing something.

And it was lost again (that's an admission!)

But then it became for me a metaphor or fable...fable best word not quite right here...

SO if for 7 years you have at times spent every second, curating, pleasantly finding bridges around and about...  bridges between one another in small scale 'communities' of folk who SAY they care about the damaged rivers, and animals....

And you have seven years of so much absurdly dysfunctional communication.... but you try...oh my god do you try....

without (her) passion or volume because they don't like that.... even including poetry and the like... (maybe that's my failure i have never like-buttoned anything ever !! hahh hahh thats why i ...failed..._

None of which hurts or angers.... i know what 'stuck' means....when i see it in everyone all the time for years even here...

But it sure wastes time, and  drains...

And most happily - i made an artform be poignantly described and shown. 

So that one has an hour gazing into the fire at predawn most days.... and also a few hours in the afternoon rambling the hills so as to keep natural 'immune' systems tuned up...

one must figure how to save every millisecond one can.... 

The..... NOT putting a plastic cover over the rechargeable batteries of the little shaver.. that ned removing and replacing maybe once a week.... quickest  turn around possible...often 4 things multitasking at a time the way every child's toy or bicycle for decades is so badly designed or just utter crap... on is constantly fixing...

The poise and grace never to let the batteries drop...or exit of their 'own' volition which of course is a lie and fraud blaming something else...for not having developed good HABITS...habits is all that matters in get through everything with a smile ...I one else would have let the batteries fall out and get lost or roll under a one develop a careful habit

That little lost battery cover  has in fact over the intervening four years saved me i reckon 2 or 3 hours of fiddling with a plastic cover each tome batteries out and back in...

And became my forefront fable i wonder if it s the best... we shall see. One day...if i survive this day

But i do know one thing, have chronicled one thing..... don't blame government or corporations for eco apocalypse pollution and waste.... it is the waste of time by no one ever valuing any communication carefully and if (nearby ..) maybe act as they said they may..... that is the waste that is at root of everything.... we knew about pollution and habitats decades ago.... but try to do anything...

the pollution and waste of the 99% who simply cannot say what they mean or mean what they say or read a simple few paragraphs and give them some human simple response...

that's the first thing needs ...sorting out...

but its impossible of course because no one will 'read' this...only scan...only assume... and screens cannot ever ever make a human 'care'.... 

especially when they contain nutjob looking typos make out you are a lost lunatic too..

oh well, do your best thats all you can...and i know what being centred and at peace means from doing my best for years every second i can...